Chathmas Pacific pilot prepares us for brief 6 minute flight from Tongatapu to the small island of Eua.
We fly over the east coastline of Tongatapu towards Eua.
Destination: EUA
Aloine Havea, principal of the church middle school in Eua, is there to greet us.
Aloine's husband, Felengi Havea, is the stake president of Eua. He was 31 when he accepted the call two years ago. As a result, Aloine gave up her one-year scholarship to BYU-Hawaii where she could have received her BA degree. Feleni was called as the stake president 3 weeks before they were to fly to Hawaii.
The ocean as seen from Eua's scenic Rock Garden
Feleni takes us to the water reservoir in the hills of Eua
Eua's water supply in the mountains never runs dry.
Aloine picks some guavas for lunch. The fruit is delicious!
From the ocean looking back to the Hideaway where we stayed in Eua.
"Wild Jungle Beast" from the bush at the Hideaway. Billy Goat Gruff?
Room #4 at the Hideaway where we'll stay when we spend time in Eua training teachers--no hot water, of course.
The sun sets in the ocean west of the Hideaway in Eua.
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