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Elder and Sister Hawley, Elder and Sister Sing, Dr. John Bailey (Dean of Dept. of Education) from BYU-Hawaii, and Elder and Sister Carlston (mission couple ITEP Coordinators in NZ) in front of our ITEP office on Liahona High School campus. John is BYU-Hawaii ITEP director born in New Zealand and the Carlstons from USU are recently retired--all a joy to work with. Lutimela Ahokovi, newly appointed principal of Pakilau Middle School wears black out of respect for her grandmother who passed away in New Zealand. The higher the mat is worn, the closer to the relative. Elder Hawley and I will work closely with Luti and her teachers.
Vito QaQa (principal from Fiji) and on the right, Inoke Kupu--our stake president and S&I Country Director for Tonga:
Elder Sione Fineanganofo Area Authority Seventy looks on as "Chief Samoa" principal studies the Technology Assisted Language Learning (TALL) program:
The South Pacific Area Principal's Conference group 2009 in front of Liahona High School includes principals from all the South Pacific Islands and training personnel from New Zealand, BYU-H, Australia, and SLC. A few principals and area personnel were unable to be there for the final afternoon picture:
Siniua Hoeft principal of Ha'apai Middle School on island of Ha'apai and Lavenia Fonua from Tongatapu, principal of Havelu Middle School. Elder Hawley and I will work closely with Lavenia and her teachers:
Linda Havea from island of Vava'u, principal of Saineha High School and Lutimela Ahokovi from Tongatapu, principal of Pakilau Middle School:
Sione Tafuna with 2 students is the principal of Liahona High School:
An evening celebration for everyone included a piggy roasted over a fire on a spit. The sweetened glazed skin is crisp and considered a delicacy.
Folau Kioa is 2nd ward high priest group leader and vice-principal at Liahona High School. He proudly displays the main course. Moane Kupu, Inoke's wife oversees the meal:
Kalina Kioa, Folau's wife helps with the meal preparation. She is Stake Primary president and member of our Liahona 2nd ward:
Kalina Kioah's son, 16 year old Asieh, surprised us one Sunday with dinner: lupulu and Hawaiian yams! The traditional Tongan feast is cooked in an umu or underground oven overnight. We enjoyed this favorite dish called lupulu--canned corned beef and onions marinated in coconut milk and wrapped in taro leaves called lu. We learn more about the neighborhood, the faculty families, and Tonga from the kids! Lovely Liahona High girls entertained the group with their dancing:
Another beautiful sunset from Liahona Campus:
What fun I miss eating like that. My dad always made that kind of food for us as kids. It look like you guys are enjoying your mission.
Nice to learn about your mission. We had high winds and snow in Richfield yesterday.
The buzzards are back!
I bet that roast piggy is delicious although I could pass on the skin...The fruit looks wonderful. You will have to make a roasting pit in your backyard when you return. You both look great. Jealous of the warm weather...
These picture's brings back memories,saw some familiar faces and places.taking a walk down memory lane.
Dorm student class of 96
My name is Sininua Hoeft(Fotu) I'm married to Sioeli Kautoke Fotu. I have a beautiful daughter but I'm having an affair with a man overseas through internet chat, phone calls, etc. I'm resigning as a leader in this position because of my responsibilities to the students in Ha'apai Tonga. I feel very lost and need much assistance.
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