Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken" is even more meaningful as Elder Hawley and I serve as ITEP missionaries in Tonga. With gratitude we see that the Lord watches over us in every little thing and guides us as we walk the road less traveled by, "and that has made all the difference." Frost's poem concludes with these lines: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
An exquisite sunrise begins our morning walk on Liahona campus:The Flying Foxes--a protected species--are coming in to feed: They're fruit bats and only the Royal family are allowed to hunt them--a delicacy. It's head has the look of a fox and they compete with the bees in the morning for berries, nectar, etc. Fascinating! Sometimes they sound like cats fighting in the evening--don't like each other.
High up in the palm trees they hang upside down to eat:
This one is different--most of the bats are a velvety reddish brown:
An early morning walk down the lane to the church cattle ranch surrounding some of the Liahona campus:
The flowering plumeria tree loses its leaves in winter (May-September in Tonga) but blossoms valiantly appear on bare branches; the Christmas poinsettias are in abundance.
We do love papaya for breakfast with a squeeze of fresh lime on it:
"In-- my neighbor's garden, the flowers are blooming. 'How do you do,' they say. " "How do you do today?' " . . . In a village next door to Liahona, we admire a beautiful flower garden. These two lovely sisters are going to help us plant one.
The leaves from the Pandanus tree hang out to dry and will be woven into fine mats or kiekies for the women to wear:
President and Sister Makemaile live in the mission home just a short walk from the temple. The beautiful noni tree with orchids growing around it is a favorite.
This rare palm tree with 2 crowns is a short walk from the Liahona campus:
The Navu stake house is across the street from Liahona campus:
An Eternal Pathway: Our pathway leads to the Nuku'alofa Temple. These things we know to be true--that we have been given a certain amount of time and opportunity on this earth to be molded like the Savior. We are, indeed, Works in Progress. And what better place to learn and experience our eternal purpose, than in the greatest university on this earth--His holy temple. It is the conduit that can move us forward in becoming more like the Savior. How thankful Elder Hawley and I are to live here on the Liahona campus where we may walk the path to enter His Holy House.
No earthly kings we serve, but King of kings o’er heaven & earth!
Come, O thou King of Kings! We've waited long for thee, with healing in thy wings, to set thy people free. Come, thou desire of nations, come; Let Israel now be gathered home.
Hail! Prince of life and peace! Thrice welcome to thy throne! While all the chosen race their Lord and Savior own, the heathen nations bow the knee, and every tongue sounds praise to thee. ----Parley P. Pratt, Hymn 59 As we walk through the temple gates back to our Liahona home, we feel gratitude for the road we have taken.
What a wonderful place! It looks like you are having the time of your lives.
I got released from RS in June and am now a Webelos leader. I don't know why they keep thinking middle-aged ex-RS women are the ideal Webelos leaders. They did it to Kristie and Pauline before me.
I hope you are both feeling good - you look great!
It's a good thing we don't see U 2 climbing up and down those trees! Your choice to serve a mission is changing your lives and your family for good untold, or at least not completely told, as yet. God bless you in this beautiful land of love and warmth. We are grateful for your example. Grateful too, far more than words can express, for the love of the Savior whom we serve, love, and want to be like . . . may we be blessed to spend eternity with Him, our Father & Mother in Heaven, and all our loved ones. E/S Hawley Jr, London, ELM
Elder and Sister Hawley! I just stumbled on your blog completely by accident, but it was so fun to see! It looks like you're still doing well. I miss Tonga so much, but I'm enjoying BYU. Keep up the good work! 'Ofa lahi atu!
Michelle Makamaile :)
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